
Hi, this is my very under construction website. I'm Em, media critic and internet old (not that old), trying to recapture some of the glory days of the internet of my teens which just meant a lot more to me than the current internet landscape. So here we are, making a new website.

I only know enough HTML to get things going, and I don't really understand CSS at all, so I'm going to be doing this by the seat of my pants for a while as I figure out not only what I want this site to be, but how to accomplish anything once I do have it figured out. I have some rough ideas, but right now they're just ideas.

I have a button now! Inspired by Brianna Townsend's website! Please feel free to add it to your site if you enjoy my stuff!

Polar Bear Summer

Things I want to do

  • Upload this to neocities
  • Maybe moving the blog off of zonelets and onto another blogging engine? I keep thinking I want something with RSS but I dunno. (The blog is on dreamwidth now, and has an RSS! Check it out by clicking "Blog" above!
  • Making art for the header! Or getting mad at my amateur efforts and commissioning someone to do it for me.
  • CSS Problems
    1. what the fuck is css? (I'm working on this one)
    2. different sheets for different pages????
    3. how do web fonts work?
  • Get the blog up and running with some stuff that isn't duplicated across other social media
    • Album capsule reviews
    • Book thoughts as I read stuff
    • ????
  • Put information on my MiSTer setup into it
    1. What hardware I got
    2. Being a real controller sicko
    3. Links to resources
    4. Room to grow
  • Vtuber Shrine (not really (maybe))
  • who knows beyond that


Brianna Townsend Virtual Moose インディー通信 Indie Tsushin Midnight Reading: Renkon's Personal Site Mokkograd.net, home of the GB Rober Eniko does bad things to code